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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Performance Management >
Performance Points
Performance Points contains the point items for an employee. The menu allows users to review and update the performance score of employees.


Point Item Functionality

  1. Create a list of Point Item .
  2. Add the "Point Item" to the "Position "
  3. Enable process "ESS015 - Generate Points". This will add valid  "Point Items" for the respective employee.


  1. Set the access for "Performance Points" as "Active" under "Role Menu Access" to allow users to view records.
  2. Users will be to edit "Performance Points" of the employees who report to them. This is determined from the users " Approval Workflow ".

Steps to update Performance Points

  1. The "Performance Points" section shows point item by employees. To edit points:
    1. Select the "Employee" from the dropdown. This will load the point items and allocated scores.
    2. Expand into the details of an item.
    3. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the "Edit form".
      1. Date is automatically updated.
      2. Enter the "Points"
      3. Enter "Notes" to add additional information.
      4. Save
  2. The "Outstanding Performance Points Entry" section shows the outstanding items for other employees. This allows the user to update pending scores.

Figure 1: Performance Points